During regular use, your leather handbag is subjected to a variety of different stressors and damaging conditions. From overstuffing to oil stains, a little care can go a long way in preventing permanent damage.
- Keep your hands clean when using the bag.
Leather naturally absorbs oils and other substances that touch it, so it's very important to keep your hands clean when using your leather bag. The oil from you skin can darken the leather over time, leading to stained spots. Additionally, oil can attract dirt, leaving your handbag looking dingy.
- Aviod the rain and the snow.
Moisture can quickly damage your leather handbag, leading to swelling and loss of shape. If possible, avoid using your leather bag on rainy or snowy days. If you get caught in the rain or accidently splash water on your bag in the ladies' room, you can blot it dry with towels. Allow it to air dry the rest of the way on its own; do not use a hair dryer or clothes dryer.
- Avoid the sun
Sunlight and UV radiation can have adverse effects on leather, often drying it out and causing cracks. It is important to keep your leather handbag out of direct sunlight when ever possible.
- Store Makeup in a Separate Pouch
Because leather is prone to staining, it's smart to keep potentially damaging items isolated in your bag. Invest in a cosmetic pouch to carry your essential makeup, as well as a pencil case for writing implements that could leak.
- Don't Overstuff Your Bag
It's always tempting to add one more item to your handbag, but routinely overstuffing your leather bag can permanently alter its shape. Limit yourself to the essentials to help preserve your handbag's lovely contours. Additionally, avoid carrying too many heavy objects, since strain on the handles of your back can eventually lead to stretching or tearing of the leather.
- Avoid Getting Beauty Products on Your Bag
Hairspray, gel, and other hair products are damaging to leather, so be sure your bag is not nearby when you're refreshing your hairstyle. Also keep your handbag far away from the chair at the salon, since hair dyes and styling solutions can cause irreparable damage. Other beauty products, like perfume, spray deodorant, and lotion can also harm your bag.